Olympics-Did it pass the test? What are karate's prospects in the Games?

Olympics-Did it pass the test? What are karate's prospects in the Games?

08-Aug-2021 07:20:07 | Yahoo Sports

Karate had its long-awaited moment at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics last week but does it deserve a place in future Games? When Olympic organisers rejected karate's bids in the past - including for the Paris Games in 2024 - they found the sport lacked entertainment value and the ability to attract a younger audience. Paris will add breakdancing instead, a snub that shocked the World Karate Federation https://www.reuters.com/article/olympics-2020-kte-idCNL4N2PB1ZJ given karate's popularity in France, where the Olympics will have surfing, climbing and skateboarding carried over from the Tokyo Games.

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